How to get started with the Magic Palette Plugin
If you have recently purchased the LiveCode Enhancements Bundle, you may notice in the download something called the Magic Palette. This is your key to using the libraries included in the bundle.
Installing the Palette
This should be automatically installed when you run the Installer included in your bundle, however if it is not, you can manually install it. Locate your download bundle and open it. Open the Plugins folder and you will find the Magic Palette:

Move it to Plugins
Now locate your My LiveCode folder, usually in Documents:

Drag the Magic Palette in here.
Open LiveCode
If you already have LiveCode open, quit and re-open it. Go to Development > Plugins > Magic Palette. Open the palette.

What's on Magic Palette
This plugin controls the Responsive Layout library, i18n Library, SmartCrumbs Version Control and offers templates for Power Button, Polygrid and Radial Slider.
If you've used an older version of any of the bundle addons, you might want to start by clearing the templates cache here, using the cog in the bottom right corner (1).
2) This is where your templates are stored.
3) The internationalization library i18n lives here
4) Responsive Layout is controlled in this tab
5) Here you can do Version Control using the SmartCrumbs library.
6) Shows all templates defined for any of the addons controlled
7) Use, edit and save templates for Radial Slider here
8) Use, edit and save templates for PolyGrid here
9) Use, edit and save templates for Power Button here
Using the Palette
To use the palette, drag a the relevant object from the Tools Palette in LiveCode onto a stack. Select it, then go to the appropriate tab on Magic Palette and start editing. So for example, drag out a Power Button (1), ensure it is selected then double click the appropriate template (2) and the button will magically update.
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