How do I Locate Scripts or Custom Properties in my Project?
This lesson shows you how to identify entities in a project that have scripts or objects with custom properties attached to them. The process described here can be applied to any LiveCode stack.
Getting Started
For this example we use the top rated LiveCode stack Data Grids Tour. This stack is sufficiently large to demonstrate the generic nature of the code in this lesson. You can download the sample stack from this url:
The Code
Open the Data Grids Tour in LiveCode and edit the stack script. Note that the on openStack handler is already present. Add the on showStackScriptsAndCustomProperties handler to the stack script. This code iterates through the main stack, substacks, the associated cards and the controls on the cards. At each level it looks for custom properties. This information is collected and then sent to the Message Box.
on showStackScriptsAndCustomProperties
local tStack, tCard, tControl
local tScript, tStacks, tSubStacks
local tKey, tPropertyKeys
put the name of this stack into tStacks
put the substacks of this stack into tSubStacks
repeat for each line tStack in tSubStacks
put return & the name of stack tStack after tStacks
end repeat
put empty into msg
repeat for each line tStack in tStacks
put the script of the stack tStack into tScript
put tStack && the number of lines of tScript & " line(s) of script" & return after msg
put the customKeys of stack tStack into tPropertyKeys
repeat for each line tKey in tPropertyKeys
put tab & "Custom Property" && quote & tKey & quote & return after msg
end repeat
put 0 into tCard
repeat for the number of cards in the stack tStack
add one to tCard
put the script of card tCard of stack tStack into tScript
put tab & the name of card tCard of stack tStack && the number of lines of tscript & \
" line(s) of script" & return after msg
put the customKeys of card tCard of stack tStack into tPropertyKeys
repeat for each line tKey in tPropertyKeys
put tab & tab & "Custom Property" && quote & tKey & quote & return after msg
end repeat
put 0 into tControl
repeat for the number of controls of card tCard of stack tStack
add one to tControl
put the script of control tControl of card tCard of stack tStack into tScript
put tab & tab & the name of control tControl of card tCard of stack tStack && \
the number of lines of tscript & " line(s) of script" & return after msg
put the customKeys of control tControl of card tCard of stack tStack into \
repeat for each line tKey in tPropertyKeys
put tab & tab & tab & "Custom Property" && quote & tKey & quote & \
return after msg
end repeat
end repeat
end repeat
end repeat
end showStackScriptsAndCustomProperties
Calling the Handler
Open the Message Box and copy the following line into the command prompt and execute it:
send showStackScriptsAndCustomProperties to stack DataGridsTour
The output from this command is shown above. You can see details for stacks, cards, controls and custom properties. The process outlined in this lesson can be applied to any LiveCode stack for which you would like to find the custom properties.