Dropping System Folders on Fields
This lesson demonstrates how to allow a user to drop a system folder onto a field. The folder path is then displayed in the field.
Create UI Elements
Create a field that you can use to display the folder path in.
Add Code To Field Script
If the user clicks and drags a system folder over the field then the dragData["files"] property will return the path to the folder the user is dragging. The code to deal with this scenario is as follows.
1) Create a dragEnter handler that checks if the dragData["files"] is a folder. We don't want to accept files. If the property contains a folder path then the field tells the LiveCode engine that it can accept the data being dragged by setting the dragAction property.
2) In the dragDrop handler assign the dragData["files"] property to the field. Since LiveCode paths always use slash as a path delimiter it is a good idea to format the path so that it looks appropriate for the platform your program is running on. Two helper functions are included in this script that can convert from a LiveCode path to a native path (3) and a native path to a LiveCode path (4).
Copy & Paste
on dragEnter
if there is a folder the dragData["files"] then
set the dragaction to copy
end if
end dragEnter
on dragDrop
## Display the folder path in platform native format
set the text of me to \
fileConvertLCPathToNative(the dragData["files"])
end dragDrop
## Converts LiveCode path to native path
function fileConvertLCPathToNative pPath
if "Win" is in the platform then
replace slash with backslash in pPath
end if
return pPath
end fileConvertLCPathToNative
## Converts native path to LiveCode path
function fileConvertNativePathToLC pPath
if "Win" is in the platform then
replace backslash with slash in pPath
end if
return pPath
end fileConvertNativePathToLC
Code in Action
Now when you drag a folder onto the field a drop will be allowed...
and the path to the folder will be displayed.
Additional Notes
You may also want to take into account situations where the user is dragging multiple files or folders. In this case the dragData["files"] will contain one file/folder path per line.
Barry Sumpter
for miltiple selections expand the field "field" to show miltiple lines. And add the following code line:
on dragEnter
set the acceptDrop to true