I'm getting an error when trying to save as standalone on Mac
With recent Mac platforms, your app needs to be signed during the build process, using tools provided by Apple. These tools are usually available on your Mac by default, however in some circumstances they may be missing or out of date. This can result in an inability to build a standalone.
The Error Message

If you see an error something like the above, you need to replace your commandline tools. To do this, open the Terminal and enter:
sudo xcode-select --install
This will install or refresh the missing or out of date commandline tools needed to sign your app. You should now be able to successfully build Mac apps again using LiveCode.
François Tarpin
When I tried to build a standalone for a very simple stack, I got that same message. I tried the procedure you describe and got the following error message:
Last login: Wed Aug 30 10:49:00 on console
ft@MacBook-Pro-de-Francois ~ % sudo xcode-select --install
xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates
I must say I *don't* have Xcode installed, as I never saw explicitly that Xcode is / is not necessary to build a Mac standalone. What do you think I should do now?
Matthias Rebbe
Hello Francois,
current versions of Livecode on macOS make use of the Xcode command line tools to adhoc code sign the macOS standalones after building them.
You do not need the complete Xcode package. The command line tools are sufficient.
Did you run already the Software Update under Settings->General-Software Updates? It could be that you are offered to download an update for your installed command line tools.
If not you could try the following
1. run this in Terminal.app
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
Does this fix your problem?
If not, you could try to download the Command Line tools directly from Apple using this link here
I use livecode on windows. Whenever I try to make an android standalone, it gives me an error message"There was an error while saving the standalone aplication
could not compile apllication class"
However, I am able to create this standalone for windows. So what is the problem?
Heather Laine
Hi Classico, please check all the details in this lesson:
Make sure you have followed all the recommendations for which versions of Java, Android SDK and Android build tools you have installed.