What is a Row Template?
The reason a data grid can be customized is because it uses "templates" to represent data. A template is merely a LiveCode group that will be copied and used to draw your data on the screen. When working with data grid forms we refer to this group as a "Row Template".
Row Template

The Row Template is a LiveCode group control. This group represents a single record in the data that you are displaying in a data grid form. This group can contain any LiveCode control and the look and layout are entirely controlled by you.
How A Record Template Is Used

When the data grid form displays your data it copies the Row Template into itself. It makes just enough copies to cover the visible area and then inserts data into these copies of the Row Template. As the user uses the scrollbar to scroll through the data the same copies are used but new data is inserted. This means that the data grid form is never drawing more records than the user can actually see which means the data grid is fast.
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