Hello World!
This lesson will show you how to create your first app with LiveCode.
Opening LiveCode

Start LiveCode, you will see the Integrated Development Environment or IDE.
Creating a new mainstack

Select New Stack - Default Size from the File menu. Every project you create in LiveCode is a stack.
New stack

This is a new stack, it is a blank canvas ready for you to start creating your app.
Creating a button

Drag a button from the Tools Palette onto the stack.
Opening the Code Editor

Click the Code button in the MenuBar to open the Code Editor for the button
Adding code to the button

When you open the Code Editor for the button you will see it is pre-populated with an on mouseUp handler. The code you add in here will be executed when the mouse is clicked and released over the button.
Adding code to the button (2)

Add the code
answer "Hello World!"
to the button.
The answer command
The answer command displays a dialog box with a message to the user.
Applying the new code

Click the Apply(1) button. The indicator(2) will turn green to show there are no errors.
Run mode

Switch to Run mode to interact with the app.
Testing the button

Click the button.
The dialog box

After clicking the button you will see the message
Hello World!
Click OK to dismiss the dialog.
So, I've started it. Good luck to me.
Hanson Schmidt-Cornelius
Hi Ivan,
sure you can do it.
Kind Regards,
Fingers crossed. I have just started my journey to app development and believing livecode to be my guide.
Karen Montes
very easy!!!!
Ron Burgendi
Hi Pius, crossing your fingers is bad for your health. You don't wanna start your journey without any fingers.
Willie Fritz
Thanks, I've just installed LiveCode and finding it remarkably easy and user-friendly!
Why does it tal ten minutes for me to see the preview of my app? I unstall and reinstall the program many time to no avail. if this is how long it takes to do a simple preview is would take centuries to finish one app. Thanks
Hanson Schmidt-Cornelius
Hi Paxton,
it should not take very long at all to preview your application.
As soon as you are in Run Mode, your application is ready to go for testing. If it took one second for "Hello Word" to switch to run mode, then that would be a long time.
I am wondering if something is not set up properly.
Kind Regards,
Just installed on my new iMac 27. LiveCode is exactly what I've been looking for. Really impressed!! thanks a ton....
Wes Haque
Hi. I just wanted to say, I'm in love with your distribution model. The fact that we can have awesome software like LiveCode for free, is just wonderful! The condition that we have to provide the source code openly under that model is actually an awesome bonus and only adds to the continued support of the language. So thank you for such a revolutionary gift. Hats off to you guys :)
Is the course doable online only? I'm trying to find a pdf that I can download and then learn when I'm offline. I can't be on internet all the time.
Elanor Buchanan
Hi Jack
Each lesson has a link to Download Lesson PDF in the bar on the left hand side.
I hope that helps.
Kind regards
David Wong
I just follow the step to write hello world, and I save it call helloworld.livecode under the type livecode stack.
but my question is why the windows that show the button is still Untitlle 1*, do I need to find a way to save this too. And how can I make it become the exe in windows.
Alejandro Tejada
Hi David,
Change the window title using the Stack Inspector
(Menu Object>Stack Inspector)
After opening the Stack Inspector (Basic Properties) change:
1) Name (This is the stack filename in your disk)
2) Title (The Stack Title, or "label") http://docs.runrev.com/Property/label
and Save the Stack.
This lesson explains how to create a Windows Executable or Standalone Application:
More detailed:
Said Mohammad
I am starting off on the wrong foot here. I don't have all those features in my tools box. I only have two arrows, nothing else to choose from. What should I do?
Elanor Buchanan
What version of LiveCode do you have installed, is it version 8.0? LiveCode 8.0 is still in an early testing release, I would suggest you download the most up to date stable version, which is currently LiveCode 7.0.5 from
If that doesn't help please email [email protected] and we will look into it.
Kind regards
Hi Said,
I faced the same issue with you. First it was only two arrows appeared on the Toolbox.
I just exit and re-opened and all tools displayed.
hi there! i'm new in livecode. i try to save my work but it didn't work. how to save? which folder/location should i go? is there any application/software that i need to install ? im using linux 32 bit version, ubuntu 14.04, LiveCode community version 8.1.1.. i try to learn to develop for linux and android. thankyou.
why "ANSWER" and not "DISPLAY" or "POPUP"
Elanor Buchanan
Hi Walt
It's a historical term going back to Hypercard
I think it probably comes from the fact that the user has to provide an 'answer' before the dialog is closed, but I'm not sure about that.
Really useful, user friendly and fast to see results. No emulator needed. I think I'm gonna do great with Livecode.
Greetings from Ecuador!
Very many thanks!
Caidyn Carlsson
mouseUp seems like a very unusual name for this event. First, it does not specify which button is pressed (right, middle, left) . Second, it does not address the mouse down event.
live code its so cool
I see a lot of similarities with Macromedia Director or Adobe Director. Starting from the interface, to the toolbox to even the code handlers (mouseUp). I am interested...Director was way ahead of its time and sadly it got boxed....
I've never coded before; am anxiously looking forward to finding out if I can learn this. Gonna give it a good try!
Paul Robinson
I guess I come from the TV era. Seems like the demo could have been done with a 10 second video clip.
Heather Laine
Hello Paul. Of course, you are right, it would be perfectly possible. At some point we may add such a video clip. Many people do also prefer text tutorials as it is easier to follow along step by step, so most of the lessons in this portal are text based.