Creating Your Executable Application for Mac and Windows
Now you are ready to build an executable application that you can share with others.
Open Standalone Application Settings Dialog

The first step in creating an executable application is to open the Standalone Application Settings dialog for the Video Player Stack. With the Video Player window as the frontmost window choose File > Standalone Application Settings.... This menu item opens the dialog for the Video Player stack.
Standalone Application Settings Dialog

This dialog allows you to configure a number of options for the executable application that you will create. For our purposes the default settings will suffice as Revolution will build an executable for both OS X and Windows.
Go ahead and close the dialog using the close button in the dialog title bar.
Save As Standalone Application

Now that you have configure the standalone application settings you can create an executable. With the Video Player window as the frontmost window choose Save As Standalone Application... to begin the process.
Select Output Folder

A folder selection dialog will appear asking you to select a folder to save your application in. Select the folder you would like to save to and click the Choose button.
Save Your Stack

If you haven't saved your Video Player stack lately then Revolution will prompt you to save before the executable is created. Click the Save button.

Revolution will display a progress window during the building process. When finished this dialog will appear. Click OK.
The Result

If you look in the folder you built the executable in you will a folder named Video Library (1). In that folder you will find two other folders: MacOSX and Windows. In each of these folders you will find the executables for each platform (2).
Move Executables

Move the executables for each platform out of the MacOSX and Windows folders and into the Video Library folder.
Copy Videos Folder

Now copy your Videos folder that you have been working with into the Video Library folder. It should now be alongside the Video Library executables for each platform.
You can safely delete the MacOSX and Windows folders at this point.

Double-click on the executable for the platform you are currently running on to launch it. The application should load and you should see the list of files in the Videos folder (1). The first video in the list should be selected (2) and the video should appear in the Player object (3).
Congratulations! You just created a Video Player application!
A wonderful tutorial. Thank you very much. You have a gift for explaining thing very precisely and clearly.
I have a problem. I cannot seem to create a standalone using Enterprise version 4.50-dp-2. I get an error message to send a report to Apple. I can however, create a standalone with Enterprise version 4.0.0. I tried reinstalling Version 4.5. Made no difference. I am running OS X 6 Snow Leopard on an iMac. Any suggestions?
Ben Beaumont
Hi Peter, I'm glad it was helpful. As for your problem, as far as I am aware this is not a common issue. If you submit it as a bug we'll be happy to look into it. (
Great! It all works...
But I need to be able to exactly place the player. Different size videos sometimes cover the list window, and them I am stuck because I can't select another video. How can I lock the player position?
Hanson Schmidt-Cornelius
Hi Jon,
have you tried setting the dontResize property to false? You should also have tick boxes in the Property Inspector for that control that allows you to fix its location relative to the cards/stack that it is on.
Kind Regards,
kim yongsun
I'm developing an app for Android, and an error occurs when I run save as standardone application, but I'd like to ask you after struggling for a long time. The error content is "There was an error while saving the standalone application
could not encode class bundle - error:
Exception in thread "main' java.lang.VerifyError: Uninitialized Object exists on backward branch 63
Exception Details:
com/android/to이s/r8/t/b/n g(Lcom/android/to이s/r8/t/b/n;)LJava/Iang/String, @85. if_icmpne
Error exists in the bytecode
0000000: 2a2b b601 2099 0080 bb01 la4d b200 be9a ..."- The following is omitted
Why do I get this error?
Panos Merakos
Hello Kim,
It sounds like the version of the android JDK that is installed is not what LiveCode expects. You need to install Java 8 (i.e. JDK version 1.8.x), and uninstall any other Java versions.
Kind regards,