Installing LiveCode for Multiusers from the Command Line
If you want to install LiveCode across a network and give access to multiple users, you don't have to install LiveCode on every machine and license for every user. Instead, you should use the Command Line installation and activation process. This is described below. You can use this procedure on both Linux and Windows, the example and screenshots given are for Windows, but the same commands will also work on Linux.
The following will not work on Mac where the procedure is instead to double click on the .dmg file and drag the LC icon into the Applications folder.
Step 1: Download LiveCode from Your Account

Download the latest LiveCode from your LiveCode account. Here I am downloading the most recent stable release, LiveCode 9.6.9.
Step 2: Installing LiveCode through command line

The .exe file we used for installation is "LiveCodeInstaller-9_6_9-Windows-x86_64.exe" .
The installation command used is "C:\Users\<User>\Downloads\LiveCodeInstaller-9_6_9-Windows-x86_64.exe" install -ui -allusers
The Syntax for command line installation is
“<installer_filepath>” install -ui [options]
Your options consists of one or more of the following:
- allusers - Install the IDE for all users. If not specified, the install will be done for the current user only.
- desktopshortcut - Place a shortcut on the Desktop (Windows-only)
- startmenu - Place shortcuts in the Start Menu (Windows-only)
- location location - The location to install into. If not specified, the location defaults to those described in the Layout section above.
You should now have successfully installed LiveCode, next you need to license it. For this you need to use the offline activation file.
Step 3: Generate Offline activation file

First download the offline License file.
To do this, log into your LiveCode account and click the "Generate LiveCode offline activation file" link, then select the version number you are licensing for and enter a pass phrase of your choice.
Step 4: Activating LiveCode in the Command line using Your Offline Activation file

Once the file is generated, use the Activation file and Passphrase to activate the installed LiveCode version. This is the command I used, you will need to replace the exact version of LiveCode you are using and your passphrase (mine is "runrev").
The syntax is:
"<livecode_executable_filepath>" activate -file <activation_file_filepath> -passphrase <passphrase>
Step 5: Open the installed LiveCode file

You should now have both installed and licensed LiveCode correctly, using the command line, for the locations you have specified.
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