How do I use Cookies on LiveCode Server?
The LiveCode Server product brings our english like language to the server environment. The server engine is a separate build of the LiveCode engine with specific syntax and functionality that makes it suitable for use in command-line contexts and, in particular, as a CGI processor.
This lesson describes how to process cookies in your LiveCode Server scripts. Code samples are provided
Cookies provide a convenient way to store session specific information client side.
The information stored in cookies varies and often covers user names, encrypted passwords or shopping trolley content.
Cookies are widely used, and their management is largely down to the configuration of a user's web browser and cookie clean-up policy. The user can enable and disable the support for cookies and remove stored cookies from their machine at any time.
Specifying the Cookie Duration
As we discussed in the Introduction, the user can control if cookies are supported and when cookies are to be removed from their system. As a webmaster, this is not a means on which to rely when considering the time a cookie should be available.
Cookies can be configured to have a lifespan that is set when the cookie is created by the web page. The following examples demonstrate the creation of two cookies, called "yearcookie" and "sessioncookie":
// Cookie lasts 1 year
put cookie "yearcookie" for "/" with "This cookie will stay on your system for a year" until (the seconds + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)
// Cookie lasts until browser closes
// The default expiry time of a cookie is set to when the user's browser closes.
put cookie "sessioncookie" for "/" with "This cookie will be cleared when you close your browser closes"
Reading Cookies
Cookies can be read from the user's computer using the $_COOKIE keyword. The following code prints the contents of the cookies that were created in the previous examples to the screen:
// Output cookies
put "PRINTING COOKIES:" & "<br /><br />"
put $_COOKIE into tCookiesArray
if tCookiesArray is an array then
printArray "$_COOKIE", tCookiesArray
put "no cookies found"
end if
put "<br /><br />" & "FINISHED"
Supporting Code
The code shown so far provides the basic mechanism to save and read cookie content. The array printing command that formats the output of the cookie content is provided here. This code is provided separately in this lesson, as it only serves to present the content in a readable form for this lesson. Normally you would write LiveCode commands to process the cookie content and extract the login information, shopping cart data or other content stored.
// Commands to display an array in readable form
command printArray pArrayName, pArray
if pArray is an array then
put pArrayname & " = {" & "<br />"
dumpArray pArray, " ", " "
put "}"
end if
end printArray
command dumpArray pArray, pIndent, pIndentString
local tKeys
if pArray is an array then
put the keys of pArray into tKeys
sort lines of tKeys
repeat for each line tKey in tKeys
if pArray[tKey] is an array then
put pIndent & tKey & " = {" & "<br />" & return
dumpArray pArray[tKey], (pIndent & pIndentString), pIndentString
put pIndent & "}" & "<br />" & return
put pIndent & tKey & " = " & pArray[tKey] & "<br />" & return
end if
end repeat
end if
end dumpArray
Output - No Cookies
The first time you run the code listed in this lesson, you may get the following output:
no cookies found
This may be because the printing code is executed before you have saved the cookies or because of a latency that exists when writing a cookie to a file system.
If no cookie data is displayed, then refresh your web browser screen. You should then receive the output that is shown in the next step.
Output - Cookies Found
If your code was successful, then you should see the following output in your web browser window:
$_COOKIE = {
sessioncookie = This cookie will be cleared when you close your browser closes
yearcookie = This cookie will stay on your system for a year
Both cookie examples are listed and the content of the two cookies is also displayed.
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