How Do I Change the Number Format of a Column by Script?
This lesson describes, how, once a datagrid is installed in a project, developpers can continue changing the number format of a specific column without DGH.
This allow for example, the creation of a preferences dialog where the final user can set is format.
What Are the Custom Properties Added by DGH for Formatting Columns?
DGH adds a special custom property named dgh_FormatColumn in the datagrid group.
This custom property contains an array of two dimensions:
1. the first dimension is a column name.
2. the second dimension is the name of one of the three following format properties:
- pattern
- thousand sep
- dec sep
How Do I Can Get The Column Number Format?
To read the format applied to a column, you can use the following code:
function readColumnFormat pTheDatagridName, pTheColumnName
local tData, tThePattern, tTheThousandSep, tTheDecSep
put the dgh_FormatColumn of group pTheDatagridName into tData
put tData[pTheColumnName]["pattern"] into tThePattern
put tData[pTheColumnName]["thousand sep"] into tTheThousandSep
put tData[pTheColumnName]["dec sep"] into tTheDecSep
return tThePattern & cr & tTheThousandSep & cr & tTheDecSep
end readColumnFormat
pTheDatagridName is the datagrid name
pTheColumnName is a column name
put readColumnFormat("datagrid 1", "numbers")
How Do I Can Set The Column Number Format?
To apply a number format to a column, you can use the following code:
command writeColumnFormat pTheDatagridName, pTheColumnName, pThePattern, pTheThousandSep, pTheDecSep
local tData
put the dgh_FormatColumn of group pTheDatagridName into tData
put pThePattern into tData[pTheColumnName]["pattern"]
put pTheThousandSep into tData[pTheColumnName]["thousand sep"]
put pTheDecSep into tData[pTheColumnName]["dec sep"]
set the dgh_FormatColumn of group pTheDatagridName to tData
send "refreshList" to group pTheDatagridName
end writeColumnFormat
pTheDatagridName is the datagrid name
pTheColumnName is a column name
pThePattern is a pattern
pTheThousandSep is the thousands separator
pTheDecSep is the decimal separator
writeColumnFormat "datagrid 1", "numbers", "$### ##0[green],$### ##0[red]",",","."
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