How Do I Apply The Properties of a DataGrid to Another DataGrid
This lesson describes how to copy the properties and template of a DataGrid and apply them to another DataGrid.
This option can be used as an alternative to copying pasting a Datagrid.
Or in the goal to apply the interface theme defined for a project.

Opening Mimetism Topic

1. Select the DataGrid to clone
2. Then open the "Mimetism" topic
Putting the DataGrid in the "Cloning Chamber"

Click onto the 3 dots button for opening the options window (1)
Then, click onto the "Add In Chamber" button (2)
Selecting Another DataGrid

Select another DataGrid. The Clone buttons are now enabled.
Click on the "Properties & Template" button.
Confirming the Dialog

Select the Clone button to confirm the cloning.
That's it!

All the properties of the first datagrid are now applied to the selected datagrid, including the special properties DGH can add to the datagrid such as column color or formats.
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