How to Include a Widget in Standalone App
If you have used any of the new widgets in LiveCode 8, to ensure that these are available to your built app, you need to include them in the Standalone Builder when building your app.
Open the Standalone Settings Pane
Select the Standalone Application Settings from the File menu. If you have not already saved your stack you will be prompted to do so.
In the General Pane choose "Select inclusions for the standalone application".
Select your widgets in the Inclusions Pane
Go to the Inclusions Pane and check any widgets you have used in your app.
Build Your Standalone

Go to Save as Standalone Application under the File menu. Save your app as prompted. It should now run on its own and use the widgets selected.
In LC 8.1.5 (rc2) you need to use the Inclusions pane not Copy Files
Elanor Buchanan
Thanks Jim, I have updated the lesson.