How to communicate with other applications using sockets
Sockets provide the programmer with a facility to allow their applications to communicate over a network. This lesson shows how to use sockets to allow to LiveCode apps to talk to each other as well as providing an example of how LiveCode apps can share data with Java apps.
What are Sockets?
Sockets provide two networked machines with a bidirectional communication channel. One machine will be the server, listening in for connections and the other, the client, attempting to make a connection with the server. An example of this would be when you fetch a web page. Your web browser, or the client, attempts to make a connection to the web server. The web server, listening in for clients, will accept the connection and then proceed to handle the clients request. Here, the browser will ask the web server for the page, before the web server responds with the page data.
Servers are accessed via socket addresses, a combination of the server's IP address (or domain name) and a port number. The port can be thought as a connection point on the sever, like USB or Firewire ports, with each port serving a specific purpose. For example, web pages are served on port 80 (HTTP) , emails are sent via port 25 (SMTP).
Once two machines are connected, they can then communicate streams of bytes with each other. It's up to the client and server to format these byte streams into structured data chunks. A simple example would be an echo sever, which receives a stream of bytes from a client, assumes they form an ascii string and sends the string back to the client.
As noted previously, sockets use IP based networks. There are a range of transport layers that can be used on top of IP. In this lesson we will consider TCP sockets.
How to Use Sockets in LiveCode - Server Side
Using sockets in LiveCode is very simple. First of all let us consider a server: A server must listen in on a specific port for clients. To do this in LiveCode, we simply use the following command:
accept connections on port 1234 with message "clientConnected"
Here, our server will listen in on port 1234 for connecting clients. When a client is connected, the message "clientConnected" will be sent, detailing the newly opened socket. The server can now listen in on this socket for messages from the client:
on clientConnected pSocket
read from socket pSocket with message "messageReceived"
end clientConnected
In the example above, the server is reading from the client in non-blocking mode. That means that the read request will exit instantly. When a data is received from the client, the "messageReceived" message will be sent, detailing the socket it came from and the data sent. The alternative to this is to omit the "with message". Here the read will function in blocking mode, not returning until data has been received from the client. When data is received, the read command will return and the data will be placed in it.
An additional parameter can be passed to the read command, detailing how much data we want to read. This can be a number of characters or lines (or any other chunk type - read from socket pSocket for 5 lines) or until a specific character is reached (read from socket pSocket until return).
Let us consider the read as detailed earlier, in non-blocking mode. When data is received from the client the "messageReceived" message will be sent. At this point, the server can choose to write a response to the client. Here, we will just echo the data back to the client using the write command.
on messageReceived pSocket, pMsg
write pMsg to socket pSocket
read from socket pSocket with message "messageReceived"
end messageReceived
Like the read command, write can be blocking or non-blocking. If we want a non blocking write, we simply specify the message to be sent when the write is complete. Note that in order to continue reading from the client, we must issue another read command.
When the server no longer wishes to communicate with the client, the socket can simply be closed with the command close socket tSocket. If the client closes the socket, the server will be sent a socketClosed message, detailing the socket that has been closed.
How to User Sockets in LiveCode - Client Side
Using sockets on the client side is equally as easy in LiveCode. To begin communicating with the server, we must first open a socket:
open socket to "host:port" with message "clientConnected"
Like the read and write commands, the callback message on the open command is optional, and defines if the command is blocking or non-blocking. If used in blocking mode, once connected the newly opened socket will be accessible via the it variable. In non-blocking mode, it will be passed as a parameter in the callback message.
If there has been an error connecting to the server the "socketError" message will be sent. (If the error is due to a problem finding the specified host, the error message is returned in the result, and no "socketError" message is sent.)
Let us consider the open command in non-blocking mode. Once the socket is opened, we can write a message to the server, read the response and then close the connection:
on clientConnected pSocket
write "hello" & return to socket pSocket
read from socket pSocket until return
put it
close socket pSocket
end clientConnected
The read and write commands function in exactly the same manner as defined previously for the server.
Creating a Simple Broadcast Server
Let us expand on these commands and create a simple broadcast server. Our broadcast server will listen in for connecting clients. Once a client is connected, the server will place the client on its list of connected clients before attempting to read a line of data from it. When a line of data is read from a client, that data will be broadcast to each connected client.
The list of connected clients will simply be a script variable holding the socket for each client separated by return. Our server will be started and stopped using simple start and stop commands. Two further handlers will be defined: One called when a client is connected, adding the client to the list before beginning reading. The other will be called when the read is complete, broadcasting the read message to all connected clients.
local sConnectedClients -- list of authorised clients
local sRunning -- if the server is currently running
constant kPort = 8010
-- Start the server listening for connections. When a client attempts to
-- connect, the broadcastServerClientConnected message will be sent.
command broadcastServerStart
if not sRunning then
put true into sRunning
accept connections on port kPort \
with message "broadcastServerClientConnected"
end if
end broadcastServerStart
-- Stop the server listening for connections. Close all open communication
-- channels.
command broadcastServerStop
if sRunning then
put false into sRunning
put empty into sConnectedClients
repeat for each line tSocket in the opensockets
close socket tSocket
end repeat
end if
end broadcastServerStop
-- Sent when a client attempts to make a connection. Store the client
-- in the connected list and begin reading lines of text from them. The
-- broadcastServerMessageReceived message will be sent when a line is received.
on broadcastServerClientConnected pSocket
put pSocket & return after sConnectedClients
read from socket pSocket until return \
with message "broadcastServerMessageReceived"
end broadcastServerClientConnected
-- Sent when a line of text is read from a client. Broadcast that line of
-- text to all connected clients.
on broadcastServerMessageReceived pSocket, pMsg
repeat for each line tSocket in sConnectedClients
write pMsg to socket tSocket
end repeat
read from socket pSocket until return \
with message "broadcastServerMessageReceived"
end broadcastServerMessageReceived
-- Sent when a client disconnects. Remove the client from connected list
on socketClosed pSocket
delete line lineoffset(pSocket, sConnectedClients) of sConnectedCLients
end socketClosed
Creating a Broadcast Client

Now lets define our client. This is really easy. We just, as before, connected to the server. Once connected, we can begin sending messages by calling the "sendMessage" handler. This handler will simply write the message to the server using the socket we connected with.
The other task of the client is to listen for any messages broadcast by the server. Here, the client will just read from the server in non-blocking mode, logging the message read before continuing the read.
local sSocket
constant kPort = 8010
-- Connect the client to the given server. Will send a broadcastClientConnected
-- when the client has connected.
command broadcastClientStart pServer
if sSocket is empty then
open socket to pServer & ":" & kPort \
with message "broadcastClientConnected"
end if
end broadcastClientStart
-- Disconnect the client from the broadcast server.
command broadcastClientStop
if sSocket is not empty then
close socket sSocket
put empty into sSocket
end if
end broadcastClientStop
-- Write the given message to the communication channel the client
-- has opended with the broadcast server.
command broadcastClientSend pMsg
if sSocket is not empty then
write pMsg & return to socket sSocket
end if
end broadcastClientSend
-- Sent once the client has connected to the broadcaset server.
-- Store the socket for futurure reference and begin reading data
-- from the server.
on broadcastClientConnected pSocket
put pSocket into sSocket
read from socket sSocket until return \
with message "broadcaseClientMessageReceived"
end broadcastClientConnected
-- Sent when a message has been received from the server. Output the
-- message and continue reading data from the server.
on broadcaseClientMessageReceived pSocket, pMsg
put pMsg after field "log"
read from socket sSocket until return \
with message "broadcaseClientMessageReceived"
end broadcaseClientMessageReceived
-- Sent when there is an error opening the socket. Log the error.
-- and close the socket.
on socketError pSocket, pError
put pError & return after field "log"
end socketError
-- Sent when the connection to the server is closed by the server.
on socketClosed
put empty into sSocket
end socketClosed
The image above shows our broadcast client communicating with the server and another client connected via telnet.
Devising a Communication Protocol
Our broadcast client/server used a very simple communication protocol, where messages were sent as ASCII text blocks separated by a return character. A communication protocol simply defines the means in which the transmitted data is encapsulated. Producing a simple and robust protocol allows your system to implemented in range of different manners, using various different technologies. Consider the number of different web browsers (and servers) on offer.
Let us develop a very simple chat protocol. First of all, each message transmitted will have a header. Our header will comprise of a 4 character message type code and an integer detailing the number of bytes (or characters) in our message body. The header will be split from the message body by a return character.
We will include 5 message types:
AUTH: Sent by the client, requesting authorization.
VERI: Returned by the server if the client's authorization request is successful.
MESG: Sent by both client and server, indicating a simple ASCII text message to be broadcast.
ERRO: Sent by the server to indicate that there has been a error (authorization failed etc) and the client will be disconnected.
WARN: Sent by the server to indicate a warning, such as the client has sent an invalid message.
Such a protocol may seem a little excessive (especially in our example) but it provides a robust programmers interface and a solid platform for future extensions. For example, we may wish to include file sharing, making the message size an important piece of information.
LiveCode Chat Server
We will implement our chat server protocol using LiveCode. Our server will function in a very similar manner to our broadcast server. This time, however, once a client is connected, the will go on the pending list, awaiting authorization. Authorization will be a simple tasks of ensuring the client has a uniques user name. Once authorized, the client will be moved on to the authorized list and be allowed to send and receive messages.
The main handler of interest will be the message received callback. Here, the server must parse the header and if required read the message body. To do this, we will use the "read from for" command, reading the number of characters defined in the message header.
local sConnectedClients -- array of authorised clients [client] => [name]
local sPendingClients -- list of all pending clients
local sClientNames -- list of all currently used client names
local sRunning -- if the server is currently running
constant kPort = 8020
-- Start the server listening for connections. When a client
-- attempts to connect, the chatServerClientConnected message will be sent.
command chatServerStart
if not sRunning then
put true into sRunning
accept connections on port kPort \
with message "chatServerClientConnected"
end if
end chatServerStart
-- Stop the server listening for connections. Close all open communication
-- channels.
command chatServerStop
if sRunning then
put false into sRunning
put empty into sConnectedClients
put empty into sPendingClients
put empty into sClientNames
repeat for each line tSocket in the opensockets
close socket tSocket
end repeat
end if
end chatServerStop
-- Sent when a client attempts to make a connection. Store the client as
-- pending and begin reading message headers (line of text) from the client.
-- When a header is received, a chatServerMessageReceived message will be sent.
on chatServerClientConnected pSocket
put pSocket & return after sPendingClients
read from socket pSocket until return \
with message "chatServerMessageReceived"
end chatServerClientConnected
-- Sent when a message header is received from a client. Parse the header and
-- the read message body if required. Do this by switching accross the message
-- type (first item in header).
-- If it is an authorisation request, read the message body (clients name),
-- check it's unique, add client to list of authorised clients and send
-- authorisation success message to client.
-- If it is a broadcast message, check the client is authorised and then send
-- to all connected clients.
-- Once message is handled, continue reading from client.
on chatServerMessageReceived pSocket, pMsg
put char 1 to -2 of pMsg into pMsg
local tAuth, tCommand, tLength, tMsg
put pSocket is among the keys of sConnectedClients into tAuth
put item 1 of pMsg into tCommand
put item 2 of pMsg into tLength
if tLength is not an integer then
put "Invalid message length" into tMsg
write "WARN," & the number of chars in tMsg \
& return & tMsg to socket pSocket
switch tCommand
case "MESG"
if tAuth then
read from socket pSocket for tLength chars
chatServerBroadcast sConnectedClients[pSocket] & ":" && it
put "Client not verified" into tMsg
write "ERRO," & the number of chars in tMsg \
& return & tMsg to socket pSocket
end if
case "AUTH"
if tAuth then
put "Client already verified" into tMsg
write "WARN," & the number of chars in tMsg \
& return & tMsg to socket pSocket
read from socket pSocket for tLength chars
if it is not among the lines of sClientNames then
put it into sConnectedClients[pSocket]
put it & return after sClientNames
write "VERI,0" & return to socket pSocket
delete line \
lineoffset(pSocket, sPendingClients) of sPendingClients
chatServerBroadcast it && "connected"
put "Username already taken" into tMsg
write "ERRO," & the number of chars in tMsg \
& return & tMsg to socket pSocket
end if
end if
put "Unknown command" into tMsg
write "ERRO," & the number of chars in tMsg \
& return & tMsg to socket pSocket
end switch
end if
read from socket pSocket until return \
with message "chatServerMessageReceived"
end chatServerMessageReceived
-- Broadcasts the given message to all connected and verified clients.
command chatServerBroadcast pMsg
local tMsg
put "MESG," & the number of chars in pMsg & return & pMsg into tMsg
repeat for each line tSocket in the keys of sConnectedClients
write tMsg to socket tSocket
end repeat
end chatServerBroadcast
-- Sent when a client disconnects. Remove the client from the pending
-- list if they are pending, or authorised list if they are authorised.
on socketClosed pSocket
if pSocket is among the lines of sPendingClients then
delete line lineoffset(pSocket, sPendingClients) of sPendingClients
else if sConnectedClients[pSocket] is not empty then
local tName
put sConnectedClients[pSocket] into tName
delete variable sConnectedClients[pSocket]
delete line lineoffset(tName, sClientNames) of sClientNames
chatServerBroadcast tName && "disconnected"
end if
end socketClosed
Java Chat Client
Though we could easily develop our client in LiveCode, in this final part of the lesson we will consider Java. Doing so demonstrates how we can use sockets for inter-application communication and the importance of using a clearly defined protocol.
I won't go into to too much detail here, but will note a few key points. Since we will be working with sockets, we'll need to import the Java "net" library. Also, since we will be using input and output streams, we'll need the "io" library. In order to open a socket, we create a new object of type Socket:
Socket tSocket = new Socket("hostname", "port");
Once we have opened our socket, we can then fetch the input and output streams. These streams allow us to read and write data to and from the server. Java provides various wrappers allowing the data read and written to be formatted in various ways: At the simplest level, you may wish to read and write directly to the socket, handling data a byte at a time. Alternatively, you may wish to operate at a higher level, sending data as unicode text.
In our example we use a BufferedReader for the input stream (as it allows us to read a single line of text - our message header - as well as a fixed block of text - our message body).
BufferedReader tInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(tSocket.getInputStream()));
String tHeader = tInput.readLine();
For output, we use a DataOutputStream as it allows out to write a stream of bytes - our ASCII encoded message.
DataOutputStream tOutput = new DataOutputStream(tSocket.getOutputStream());
Notice that after we write to the output stream, we call the flush method. This ensures that the data is sent immediately, rather than queued up in the stream.
Once the client is connected to the server, we start a new thread that listens to the input stream for data from the server. We do this by making our client class implement the Runnable interface, then filling out the run method of our client. The run method will be called once the new thread is created and must continually listen to the input stream whilst the client is connected.
All the main functionality will be wrapped up in a single Client class. Our Client class will have three main public methods available to the user: connect, disconnect and send. Note the use of an enumerative type, used to store the clients current connection status, and the ClientUI type used to handle all user interaction.
public enum ConnectionStatus {
public class ChatClient implements Runnable {
private ChatClientUI mUI;
private Socket mSocket;
private BufferedReader mInput;
private DataOutputStream mOutput;
private Thread mListener;
private ConnectionStatus mStatus = ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED;
private static final int kPort = 8020;
public ChatClient(ChatClientUI pUI) {
this.mUI = pUI;
* Connect to the given server with the given user name.
* Opens a communication channel with the server, sets up the input and
* output streams, sends an authorisation request to the server
* and starts a new thread listening for any response from the server.
public void connect(String pServer, String pUsername) {
if (pServer.equals("")) {
this.mUI.displayError("Connection Error: Missing server name");
} else if (pUsername.equals("")) {
this.mUI.displayError("Connection Error: Missing user name");
} else if (this.mStatus != ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) {
this.mUI.displayError("Connection Error: Client already connected");
} else {
try {
this.mSocket = new Socket(pServer, ChatClient.kPort);
this.mInput = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(this.mSocket.getInputStream()));
this.mOutput = new DataOutputStream(this.mSocket.getOutputStream());
this.mListener = new Thread(this);
this.writeMessage("AUTH", pUsername);
} catch (IOException e) {
this.mUI.displayError("Connection Error: " + e.toString());
* Attempt to disconnect from the server. Close socket before closing the
* input and output streams. Updates the client's current connection status.
public boolean disconnect() {
if (this.mStatus != ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) { }
return true;
} else {
this.mUI.displayError("Disconnect Error: Client not connected");
return false;
* Send the given chat message to the server. Will format the message with
* type MESG before sending to the server for broadcast to all othe clients.
public void send(String pMsg) {
if (this.mStatus == ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED) {
this.writeMessage("MESG", pMsg);
} else {
this.mUI.displayError("Communication error: Client not verified");
* Returns the clients current connection status.
public ConnectionStatus getStatus() {
return this.mStatus;
* Method defined by Runnable interface. Called once client starts listening
* for server messages. While the client is connected, attempt to read
* and process headers (single lines of text) from the input stream.
public void run() {
try {
while (this.mStatus != ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (this.mStatus != ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) {
this.mUI.displayError("Communication Error: " + e.toString());
* Set the clients current connection status.
* Update the ui with the new status.
private void setStatus(ConnectionStatus pStatus) {
if (pStatus != this.mStatus) {
this.mStatus = pStatus;
* Send the given message to the server. Format the header based on the
* message type and message body length, attach the body and then write to
* the output stream.
private void writeMessage(String pType, String pMsg) {
if (this.mStatus != ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) {
try {
String tMsg = pType + "," + pMsg.length() + "\n" + pMsg;
} catch (IOException e) {
this.mUI.displayError("Communication Error: " + e.toString());
} else {
this.mUI.displayError("Communication Error: Client not connected");
* Parse the passed header. The header should be a single line of text,
* comma split into the message type, the message length. Based on the type
* parse the message, reading the body if required.
private void handleResponse(String pMsg) {
if (pMsg == null) {
this.mUI.displayMessage("Server shutdown");
} else {
String[] tItems = pMsg.split(",");
String tMsg = tItems[0];
int tLength = Integer.parseInt(tItems[1]);
if (tMsg.equals("MESG")) {
} else if (tMsg.equals("WARN")) {
} else if (tMsg.equals("ERRO")) {
} else if (tMsg.equals("VERI")) {
} else {
this.mUI.displayError("Communication Error: Unknown message " + tMsg);
* Read pLength bytes froim the input channel and pasre as a string.
* Used to read message bodies (when lenght is defined in header).
private String readData(int pLength) {
char [] tBuffer = new char[pLength];
try {, 0, pLength);
return new String(tBuffer);
} catch (IOException e) {
this.mUI.displayError("Communication Error: " + e.toString());
return null;
Bruce Jorgensen
I like the lesson; I think you need a little more explanation of why you are including code example for a Java client--is it because you want to show interoperability with other platforms or because a revTalk version of the client is too difficult to write? Seems like the whole Java thing is kind of out of context here, but maybe with a bit of explanation it will become obvious why the need.
Ben Beaumont
Hi Bruce,
The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate how to talk to other applications written in other languages. We produced it on request from another user who was looking to do this very task.
Warm regards,
Peter Alcibiades
Very nice tutorial indeed. Thanks. Shows just how to do it.
Wes Whitehead
I am grateful for this tutorial i am indeed going to write a socket server using rev and using a c++ game client to talk with it so its important to see how applications written in other languages can work with a rev powered backend.
Go Rev
Sean Cole
Could really do with seeing how to transmit bot binary and hex data over a socket.
Elanor Buchanan
Hi Sean, thanks for the comment. I have passed your request on to the team who create the lessons.
Kind regards
Jonny Larsen
Hello together,
the code sounds quite easy, unfortunately I don't get it running. On the server side I have a python script running, as I use special python libraries that I need. It looks like the following:
The script works quite good with another python script as client, that I used for a test till now. Unfortunately I do not get it running with livecode. I used the script from above in the card code:
open socket to "host:port" with message "clientConnected"
on clientConnected pSocket
write "hello" & return to socket pSocket
read from socket sSocket until return
put it
close socket pSocket
end clientConnected
The problem is, I don't get a connection at all. Is there something that I do wrong?
Kind regards! Jonny
Ernie St. Louis
An example detailing communication with a USB device would be nice.
Nice example.
Would be useful to show a Livecode version of the Java Chat Client, while taking care of the communication between multiple platform and the Unicode mess (I am lost with LC7...). Is it still better to "URLEncode(base64Encode(it))" ? What about "ISOToMac" and "MacToISO" ?
This is a great tutorial but I guess there is something missing and it is about a how the client will get the Host IP address. Without it the solution is worthless unless both client and server are in the same network. Am I right? If answer is yes any hints as how to do it?
Yes I also would be interested how the client get the Host IP. And I would like to connect from mobile phone (android) to the server on PC - would that work too? And what need to be done from security point of view on server side? Do you have an example for these topics? I tried the example "Chat Server" shipped with LC Sample Stacks and got troubles to run when seperated into client and server apps. Hope this site is still alive, but maybe not, as Simon didn't got a reply for more than a year now.
Mark Wieder
Giorgio, Simon - in the example above, the "onClientConnected pSocket" returns the host address in the form host:port, so the IP address can be extracted there.
If in a local network I have one device with IP 192.128.x.x and another with IP 172.20.x.x, is there any reason why I could not open a socket between the twos?
Mark Wieder
As long as there are no router/firewall problems along the way I think that should work. Can you ping the two devices from each other? Is one of those networks a subnet of the other?
I need to know if there are problems when 1 of the two devices is connected to a wifi extender (which I don't have but they tell me that assign IP in the range of 172.20.xx) and the other to the router wifi.
Sean Cole
They ideally need to be on the same subnet. If the subnet mask that BOTH networks are on is something like (or even if you set it up correctly) then you could potentially have both a 192.x.x.x and a 172.x.x.x network paths.
The easiest way though is to set up a port on both DHCP routers. If you don't have access to either of the routers then it will be unlikely you could set it up with these two subnets.
Sean Cole
A quick note to add to that. Subnet masks like those I just mentioned are not very safe. I would not recommend using them. Again, I would recommend either having them on the same network subnet OR following a tutorial for creating a socket using HTTP (port 80) or HTTPS (port 443).
Sean Cole
@Trevix. A WiFi extender should extend into the same DHCP range that the router has defined. The 172.x.x.x may be just its default AdHoc setup before it attaches itself to your main WiFi. It wouldn’t make sense to keep the extender on a separate subnet unless necessary for security purposes (like keeping a public network away from the main company network).
Andrew Taylor
Going to Java was a complete disconnect for me. Now how do I call and deploy this Java code? Now I need to learn how to code and build Java? This is a separate application that I need to deploy with the Livecode application?
Panos Merakos
Hello Andrew,
You do not need to write the client code in Java - this was just an example of using another language. You can write both the server and the client code in LiveCode.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Andrew Taylor
I have a situation where I want to create a web site (server & web pages) that communicates with as many as 300 people, probably never more than 100 logged in at any time. I could set it up so that they have to download a program, but I don't necessarily want to. What Livecode functions are appropriate for that?
Panos Merakos
Hello Andrew,
I am not sure I understand your use case. Could you please provide some more info? Communicating via sockets requires both the "client" and the "server" app to be in the same local network.
Kind regards,
I have a cliente and server that talks to each other using sockets:
--put pCommand & comma & TheMessage & kEndOfFile into TheMessage
--write TheMessage to socket gSocket with message "doneWritingToSocket"
- read from socket gSocket until kEndOfFile with message "ClientMessageReceived".
Most of the time everything works fine, with confirmation of reception, etc.
Due to my difficulties on mastering the traffic back and forth, sometime the "Write to socket" hangs for up to 10 seconds and, after that, nothing is received in the other side.
How can I understand what went wrong? What is the case when the socket library behave like above? (Size of the data is not a problem, since most of the time it is not and, anyway we are talking of less then 100k)
Panos Merakos
Hello Trevix,
Hmm, 10 seconds sounds like the default value of the "socketTimeoutInterval" property. Maybe you want to tweak this value? Also, it might be worth checking the "socketTimeout" and "socketError" messages, they might shed some light to the problem.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
The hang happens only on the line of the server were it "write to socket", but not always.
The server does not have SocketTimeOut command and the SocketTimeOut interval is not set.
Am I standing correct on saying that, for two direction com, each "Write to socket" must always be followed by a "Read from socket", both on the client and the server?
Or, once started, the "Read from socket" is always on?
Thanks for the help
Andrew Taylor
Trevix, Go to the Forum and checkout article "Keeping Sockets Open, Clients, Servers". There is a discussion of this issue along with a complete set of stacks that address this issue that you can adapt to your needs or just use to discover a solution that you can put into your own code.
Andrew Taylor
Trevor it is more about lack of activity for some amount of time. The socketTimeOut message is sent to the offending side of the communication when the operating system (or an external IP) decides that the socket is no longer active. socketError is sent for other reasons. I am not sure I have received any such messages during my testing.
And no, it is not required that a write be followed by a read. You could have only one way communication and that would be sufficient to keep the socket open. The code I posted has time periods that I discovered will keep a socket always open even if there is no other traffic. You can change the timers to see what works for you.
Anton Haselbeck
I'd highly appreciate a further variant for Python in addition to that in Java. That would be very usefull!
Panos Merakos
Hello Anton,
Something like this should work:
import socket
# Create a client socket
clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM);
# Connect to the server
# Send data to server
data = "Hello Server!";
# Receive data from server
dataFromServer = clientSocket.recv(1024);
# Print to the console
Kind regards,